A quick update
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update…Visas were approved, and our shipping container is finally on its way to France. Our last car will be sold on Thursday. We have been talking about this move and planning it for so long it’s hard to believe that it is finally here. What a season of waiting this has been!
Some of you have had questions so I thought I would answer some of the common ones here:
How long will you be in France?
Chris’s job will be a four year stint. After that, the plan is to repatriate back to the U.S., most likely Greenville (where we are now) but we will see where life takes us!
Will you be in Paris?
Nope! We will be in Clermont Ferrand, France, which is several hours south. If you’re looking at a map of France, stick your finger in the middle of France and that is where we will be. It’s surrounded by a ring of dormant volcanoes and is pretty outdoorsy, which suits us perfectly.
Will Beth be working?
She will not, but she plans on keeping very busy! One of the first things she plans to do is to wander around town and get lost so that she can improve her French language skills. She keeps talking about wanting to write a book so maybe she’ll do that too.
How does it feel to be moving to a new country?
How it seems from the outside: It’s exciting! It’s an adventure! It’s living the dream! It’s perfect!
The reality: It’s exciting! It’s an adventure! It’s living the dream! It’s…also a bit terrifying. It’s uncomfortable to move out of our comfort zones. It’s stressful. We are absolutely blessed to go but there are MANY emotions involved. Not only are we leaving behind everything we have ever known for a country with an entirely different language and culture, we will most likely not be present for funerals, births, birthdays, etc. That is very humbling. This move was not a snap decision for us. There has been much discussion, lots of praying, and many tears. That being said, we can’t wait for the adventure that awaits us!